Undergraduates/medical schools

Council recognises the primary medical training qualification and programmes of Aotearoa New Zealand and Australian medical schools.

Aotearoa New Zealand medical schools

Medical schools offering primary medical training (MBChB) in New Zealand are:

Final year medical students have access to aspects of ePort – the electronic portfolio for prevocational medical training.

Accreditation standards and the status of Aotearoa New Zealand medical schools

It is the Council’s role to accredit and monitor Aotearoa New Zealand medical schools to ensure that the training that they provide is of a high standard. Council jointly assesses medical schools with the Australian Medical Council .

The medical schools are assessed against the following standards:

Council has accredited the following Aotearoa New Zealand medical schools:

Medical school

Accreditation until

Recognised accredited primary qualifications and training programme

Link to latest report

University of Auckland

31 March 2026

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB ChB)

2021 Accreditation report

University of Otago

31 March 2029

Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor or Surgery (MB ChB)

2018 Accreditation report


Australian medical schools

As part of Gazetted requirements, Council must publish the names of Australian university medical schools approved by Council for the purposes of registration in New Zealand. A link to Council-approved Australian medical schools is provided below.

Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency - Approved Programs of Study (ahpra.gov.au)