Monitoring between accreditation visits
Te Kaunihera Rata o Aotearoa | The Medical Council of New Zealand (the Council) accredits providers of primary medical degree programmes, prevocational medical training and vocational medical training and recertification.
Between accreditation cycles, the Council monitors prevocational medical training and Aotearoa New Zealand vocational medical training and recertification providers through progress and annual reporting. For medical schools and Australasian vocational training and recertification providers (medical colleges) monitoring is led by the Australian Medical Council , in partnership with the Council.
Progress reporting
Progress reporting is required from providers who have undergone an accreditation and have outstanding required actions to meet. Progress reporting dates are determined by the Council, taking into account the provider’s views. Progress reports must show evidence that the required actions from the last accreditation have been satisfactorily addressed.
We publish accredited providers’ progress in addressing required actions on these pages prevocational providers and vocational providers.
Annual reporting
Annual reporting is required from all accredited providers. Annual reports must outline any significant changes in the training programme since the last report.
Decision making
Council’s Education Committee considers progress and annual reports and is delegated by Council to decide if required actions are addressed, if an annual report meets requirements or if further reporting is required.
Concerns raised about a training programme outside the accreditation process
In circumstances where concerns are raised with the Council about an accredited training programme, recertification programme or training provider outside the accreditation process (whether this is via the Council’s monitoring process or by an individual or group):
- The Council will review the information provided.
- If required, the Council will inform the training provider of the concerns and the grounds on which they are based.
- The training provider will be given an opportunity to respond to the concerns.
If required, the concerns may be raised with Council’s Education Committee to review and decide on further steps.