Our data

New doctor registrations

Registrations granted where the doctor was not already on the medical register

Explanation of terms used in this dashboard

International medical graduates (IMGs)

We define international medical graduates (IMGs) as doctors who obtained their primary medical qualification in a country other than New Zealand. This does not necessarily mean a doctor is new to the workforce. A lot of IMGs will have worked in New Zealand for many years, sometimes decades.

The country of a doctor's primary medical qualification is separate from their ethnicity and country of birth or nationality.  

Reporting period

We report data by fiscal year (FY) - 1 July to 30 June. For example, the 2023 reporting year is 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023. For snapshots, we will specify the date - for example doctors on the medical register as of 30 June 2023.